The website and products are registered, owned and operated by Aggregato Australia.

Phonecard Features

Call home from over 40 countries overseas! World Dial is a great phonecard feature that allows you to use your phonecard from overseas with Toll Free access numbers and unbelievably Low rates!

World Dial Rates

Available on:

World Dial rates are calculated by:

Rate from group A, B or C below (country you are calling from) + Rate on your phonecard for country you are calling

GROUP A=33¢per min

GROUP B=75¢per min

GROUP C=$2.00 per min

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guam, Hawaii, Hong Kong, Ireland (North & Republic), Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, UK, USA and Vatican City.
Argentina, Brazil, China, Colombia, Hungary, India, Macau, Malaysia, Monaco, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, South Africa and Thailand.
Bahrain, Fiji, Indonesia, Norfolk Island and Papua New Guinea.

World Dial Calling Instructions

From Any Country

Dial +800 8353 3538 for Toll Free access from any country overseas.

DIAL: 800 8353 3538
world dial access

note: "x" represents carrier code/s.

From Specific Country

Select the country you are calling from and dial that number directly.

Country code 0800 666 1563

Country code 0800 291 911

Country code 800805

Country code +800 8353 3538

Country code 0800 891 8466

Country code +800 8353 3538

Country code 800201390

Country code +800 8353 3538

Country code 9809198325

Country code +800 8353 3538

Country code 008 002 522

Country code 0800 116 695

Country code +800 8353 3538

Country code +800 8353 3538

Country code 008 006 114 040

Country code 18778873385

Country code 18886109961

Country code +800 8353 3538

Country code 06800 17266

Country code 000 800 610 1032

Country code 001 803 0612 044

Country code +800 8353 3538

Country code 1800 332 604

Country code +800 8353 3538

Country code 800 787 331

Country code +800 8353 3538

Country code +800 8353 3538

Country code 800 24762

Country code 800 464

Country code +800 8353 3538

Country code 800 93 206

Country code +800 8353 3538

Country code 1800 9775

Country code +800 8353 3538

Country code +800 8353 3538

Country code 0008 610 20

Country code 008 00111 4710

Country code 800 819 043

Country code +800 8353 3538

Country code 0800 993 550

Country code 900 957 023

Country code +800 8353 3538

Country code +800 8353 3538

Country code +800 8353 3538

Country code +800 8353 3538

Country code +800 8353 3538

Country code +800 8353 3538

Country code 800873329

Terms & Conditions

International access numbers are not available to some phones and incur a fee to some destinations. Calls using a payphone will require an additional charge to be able to call out. Calls from a hotel or mobile phone can incur an airtime or local call charge when accessing the world dial codes. For more information, please contact our friendly customer service team through email at or follow the prompt when using the card.

Phonecard finder