The website and products are registered, owned and operated by Aggregato Australia.

Choice Phonecard range

These phonecards are the right CHOICE for your international calling needs. With each phonecard targeted to specific destinations you will be receiving the most competitive rates for where ever you need to call.

Take advantage of direct calling on Choice Fiji, Choice Samoa and Choice Tonga. These phonecards have been designed so no international dialling codes need to be entered...simply enter the phone number. Also on Choice Samoa and Choice Tonga we offer Happy Hour, so between 6pm and 7pm NZ time daily you receive even MORE talk time.

If you want to SAVE when calling your family and friends overseas there is no better Choice than our Choice Phonecards range.

Choice Tonga

Call Tonga only

Choice Samoa

Call Samoa only

Choice Fiji

Call Fiji only

Choice Middle East

Call Middle East

Choice Africa

Call Africa

Choice Asia

Call Asia

Choice Cambodia

Call Cambodia & Vietnam

Phonecard finder